Wedding Reaffirmation Ceremony

My experience planning and implementing a 20 yr wedding reaffirmation ceremony. Join me in my endeavers. I've included pics.

Location: Texarkana, Texas, United States

I'm a grandmother and a homemaker at this time in my life.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Along with planning the food we would serve we had to decide what type of beverages to serve. We don't drink and none of our family or friends do either. So we taste tested every non-alcoholic beverage we could find. My sister introduced us to a muscadine drink from the Post Family Wine Co. that was fantastic. After testing the non-a champagnes and wines we decided on the musadine. It worked out well. We had the white with the cake and the red with the cheese cake which was the grooms cake. We gave everyone a glass and had our toasts.

After posing for the tradition "wedding" pictures we had a short dance. It was lots of fun. Even my mother who is 80 kicked up her heels.

We wanted to share this experience with you in hopes that when the time comes you would consider this memorable event in you lives. If you have any questions or would like more information just ask.

Email me at: any time.


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